# Copyright © DeKiBulle, 2008 # # dekibulle@free.fr # http://dekibulle.free.fr # # **fr** # # Ce logiciel est un programme informatique servant а lire des fichiers # audio sur ordinateur. # # Ce fichier est une partie de dйkibulle. # # Dйkibulle est un logiciel libre; soumis а une double licence. # Vous pouvez le redistribuer ainsi que le modifier dиs lors que vous respectez # les termes *de l'une des deux licences* # - *soit* la licence GNU Lesser General Public License comme publiйe par la # Free Software Foundation, dans sa version 2 ou ultйrieure; # - *soit* la licence Cecill-C comme publiйe par Cecill, # dans sa version 1 ou ultйrieure. # # **en** # # This software is a computer program whose purpose is to listen audio # files on a computer. # # This file is a part of Dйkibulle. # # Dйkibulle is a free software; subjected to a double license. # You can redistribute it and/or modify since you respect the terms of either # (at least one of the both license) : # - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. # - the CeCILL-C as published by CeCILL; either version 1 of the License, or any later version. # # **du** # # Deze code betreft een programma om muziekbestanden op een computer te lezen. # # Dit bestand maakt deel uit van DйKiBulle. # # Dйkibulle is een vrij programma; vrijgegeven met een dubbele licentie. # U mag het verder verdelen, alsook aanpassen, zolang u *ййn van de de twee licenties* respecteerd: # - *ofwel* laat u de licentie GNU General Public License zoals gepubliceerd door # Free Software Foundation, volgens de 2e versie van uitgave; # - *ofwel* met licentie Cecill-C zoals gepubliceerd door Cecill, # volgens de 1e versie van uitgave. # # **it** # # Questo programma permette di riprodurre file audio su pc. # # Questo file и parte di Dйkibulle. # # Dйkibulle и un programma gratuito; soggetto a doppia licenza. # Lo puoi redistribuire e/o modificare a patto di rispettare i termini di almeno # una delle due licenze : # - la GNU Lesser General Public License come pubblicato dalla Free Software Foundation; # sia le versione 2.1 della licenza che ogni versione successiva. # - la CeCILL-C come pubblicato da CeCILL; sia le versione 1 della licenza che ogni versione successiva. # # **ru** # # Это программное обеспечение предназначено для прослушивания звуковых файлов нв компьютере. # # Этот файл является частью программы Dйkibulle. # # Dйkibulle - свободное программное обеспечение, распространяемое под двойной лицензией. # Вы можете распространять и/или изменять программу при условии соблюдения условий двух # (или по меньшей мере одной из) лицензий : # - GNU Lesser General Public License (Стандартная общественная лицензия ограниченного применения GNU, # бывшая Стандартная общественная лицензия GNU для библиотек, перевод на русский язык - # http://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/GNU_Lesser_General_Public_License), опубликованной Free Software Foundation; # Конкретно версии 2.1 или более поздней. # - Лицензии CeCILL-C, опубликованной CeCILL; конкретно версии 1 или более поздней. [NAME] Name=English [OPTION] Page0=Options GroupBox7=Others CheckBallon=Show balloon hint when playing a new song CheckSousRep=Recurse sub-folders CheckShuffle=Shuffle playing CheckLireMetaTags=Read song names in meta tags CheckLireCDDB=Try to retreive Audio CD information from internet CheckAfficherDuree=Display the duration of songs in the playlist CheckLectureBoucle=Loop playing CheckDemarrerLectureLancement=Autoplay music at startup CheckNouvelleVersion=Automatically check for updates CheckApparitionProgressive=Main window progressive display GroupBox8=Languages RadioGroup1=Start with Windows RadioGroup1Item0=Yes RadioGroup1Item1=No RadioGroup2=Volume setting RadioGroup2Item0=Master Windows RadioGroup2Item1=DйKiBulle only GroupOutputDev=Output device Page1=HotKeys GroupBox6=HotKeys CheckBox1=Play / Pause CheckBox2=Previous song CheckBox3=Next song CheckBox4=Volume + CheckBox5=Volume - CheckBox6=Show / Hide DйKiBulle CheckBox7=Quick forward CheckBox8=Quick rewind CheckBox9=Previous folder CheckBox10=Next folder Page2=Folders GroupBox1=Root folders ButtonSupprRep=Delete ButtonAjouterRep=Add CheckStartupFolderUpdate=Update the folders list at startup Page3=Display GroupBox15=Available skins LabelGetMoreSkins=Get more skins LabelEditSkins=Edit skins CheckBoxAlbumCoverPreview=Album cover preview (display the file "folder.jpg" in song folder) GroupBoxTranspInfoBulle=Balloon hint transparency GroupBox3=Lists fonts GroupBox2=Balloon hint font GroupBox9=Taskbar icon BtnChangerIcone=Change BtnIconeDefaut=Default CheckAnimerIcone=Animate icon while playing Page4=Associate GroupBoxEXT=Files associated with DeKiBulle LabelAssocTout=< all > LabelAssocAucun=< none > GroupBox10=Icon for the files associated to DeKiBulle RadioGroupCDAudio=Associate with Audio CD RadioGroupRepertoires=Associate with folders Page5=About... LabelWebVersion=New version ? LabelLicense=Show license LicenseFile=DeKiBulle_AUTHORS.TXT Page6=Song names GroupBox11=If meta tag present GroupBox12=If no meta tag (or if option is disabled) GroupBox13=If Audio CD (.cda) GroupBox14=Help AideFormatNom1=%length = Length of the song AideFormatNom2=%artist = Artist name AideFormatNom3=%album = Album name AideFormatNom4=%tracknb = Track number AideFormatNom5=%tracktitle = Song title AideFormatNom6=%filename = File name AideFormatNom7=%rep0 = Containing folder AideFormatNom8=%rep1 = Upper folder AideFormatNom9=%fileext = File extension AideFormatNom10=%year = Year of the song AideFormatNom11=$%xxx|yyy$ = Display yyy if %xxx don't exists Page7=Connection GroupBoxProxy=Proxy CheckBoxProxy=Use proxy LabelProxyAddress=Proxy address LabelProxyPort=Port LabelProxyUser=User LabelProxyPass=Password Page8=AudioScrobbler / MSN GroupBoxMSN=MSN "Current play" CheckBoxMSN=Activate MSN "Current play" GroupBoxAudioScrobbler=AudioScrobbler "http://last.fm" CheckBoxAudioScrobbler=Activate AudioScrobbler "http://last.fm" [APROPOS] 100=Listen all your audio albums simply, quickly and for free! 101= 102=Default supported file formats are: 103=WAV, AIFF, MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WMA, MPC, M3U, PLS and CDA (Audio CD). 104=Following MOD files are also read: IT, XM, S3M, MOD, MTM and UMX. 105=You can add supported formats by downloading add-ons of the BASS library on www.un4seen.com/bass.html 106= 107=DйKiBulle reads meta tags of files MP3, MP2, MPC, OGG, APE and WMA. And can modify meta tags of files MP3, MP2, MPC, APE and OGG. 108=In case of bug when adding a lot of songs in playlist you can disable the reading of the meta tags (Option page). 109= 110=ShortCuts: 111=Enter: read the selected directory or play the selected song. 112=Shift + Enter: add the selected directory at the end of the playlist. 113=SpaceBar: play / pause 114=><: switch between the display of the directories list, the playlist or both. 115=Ctrl + O: show options. 116=F5: refresh folders list and playlist. 117=Ctrl + A: selected all the playlist. 118=Ctrl + I: show the meta tags editor. 119=Del: remove selected songs from the playlist. 120=Ctrl + F: show the search panel 121=Ctrl + PgUp : Move UP selected songs 122=Ctrl + PgDwn : Move DOWN selected songs 123= 124=Command lines: 125="dekibulle.exe /play": play / pause 126="dekibulle.exe /prev": previous song 127="dekibulle.exe /next": next song 128="dekibulle.exe /quit": close dekibulle 129="dekibulle.exe /open": shows the openfile dialog 130="dekibulle.exe /skin:MySkin" : load a skin 131="dekibulle.exe /show" : show or hide DйKiBulle 132= 133=For further information see the website "http://dekibulle.free.fr" or the forum "http://dekibulle.free.fr/forum". 134= 135=Traduction par Fred Montin [MENU] MenuAfficher=Open DйKiBulle MenuResteAffichee=Stay displayed MenuRefresh=Refresh MenuOptions=Options MenuPlayPause=Play / Pause MenuQuitter=Quit MenuShuffle=Shuffle playing MenuLectureBoucle=Loop playing MenuRepeatSong=Repeat song MenuAutoRewind=Auto rewind on play MenuAfficherBallon=Show balloon hint MenuSousRep=Recurse sub-folders MenuLireMetaTags=Read meta tags MenuLastFm=LastFM Radio MenuLastFmPlaylist=Listen LastFM radio MenuLastFmInfos=Open radio infos MenuEffects=Effects box MenuMettreSuite=Add in playliste MenuLireRep=Listen MenuChansons=Songs MenuExplorerRep=Explore folder MenuEditerPlayliste=Edit the playlist MenuChercherDansRep=Search... MenuGererRep=Manage folders MenuEcouterChanson=Listen MenuSelectAll=Select all MenuEditeurTag=Meta tags editor MenuSupprimerChanson=Delete selection MenuOuvrirFichier=Open a file MenuRechercherChanson=Search... MenuSauverListe=Save playlist [MAIN] SpdBtnRep=Directories SpdBtnListe=Playlist SpdBtnPrev=Previous SpdBtnPlay=Play / Pause SpdBtnNext=Next ProgressBar1=Position ProgressBar2=Volume SpdBtnEgaliseur=Equalizer SpdBtnOptions=Options LblLancerRecherche=< search > LblFermeRecherche=< close > [ID3TAG] CheckArtist=Artist CheckAlbum=Album CheckTitre=Title CheckAnnee=Year CheckCom=Comments CheckGenre=Genre GroupBox3=File infos GroupBox4=Files list BtnSave=Save BtnClose=Close [MESSAGES] 11=Are you sure ? 12=Play with DйKiBulle 16=A new version of DйKiBulle is available ! 17=Do you want to visit the web site now ? 18=You have the latest version of DйKiBulle. 19=Connection error ! 20=End of playlist 21=You have to restart DйKiBulle to apply changes. Do you want to restart now ? [RECHERCHE] FormCaption=Search... GroupBox3=Search in folder CheckSsRep=Recurse sub-folders GroupBox2=Searching text GroupBox1=Search in CheckBox1=Folder name CheckBox2=File name CheckBox3=Song title * CheckBox4=Artist name * CheckBox5=Album name * Label1=* Enable those options may highly increase searching time! BtnAnnuler=Cancel BtnRechercher=Search [DEKIASSOC] GroupBoxEXT=Associate extensions with DйKiBulle LabelAssocTout=< all > LabelAssocAucun=< none > LabelAssocRefresh=< refresh > GroupBoxIcones=Icons association RadioButtonUnique=Use the same icon for all formats RadioButtonFormat=Use a different icon for each format BtnChangerIcone=Change BtnIconeDefaut=Default BtnPackIconeFormat=Apply an icon pack RadioGroupCDAudio=Association with Audio CD RadioGroupRepertoires=Association with folders RadioGroup1Item0=Yes RadioGroup1Item1=No